Season Start: July 22
Season End: September 24
Days of Service: 54
Fires Reported: 2
I returned to Goat Peak for my second season in 2022, opening later than usual in late July due to a lingering deep snowpack. Over the course of the season, I welcomed more than 1,000 visitors, reported two fires (Sandy Butte and Tamarack), and monitored multiple lightning-strike wildfires burning in the Pasayten Wilderness. I also played a key role in backcountry communications, relaying critical updates during severe weather, fire activity, and fire-related trail closures.
This season brought some of the most spectacular lightning storms I’ve ever witnessed. For the first time, I watched cloud-to-cloud lightning zip past my windows and saw bolts striking the mountain, sometimes dangerously close to the lookout. In fact, I got zapped by cloud-to-cloud lightning not once, but three times this season! The sheer power and unpredictability of the storms were both mesmerizing and humbling.
It was yet another unforgettable season on the mountain. A summer filled with fire, weather, and the ever-changing rhythm of life at the lookout.

Opening the lookout.

Engine crew hiking down after opening. Thank you!!

Northern Lights.

Morning cloud show.

Bucket drop on Sandy Butte smoke.

Storms over the Pasayten.

Storms over Slate Peak fire lookout.

Sunset over Slate Peak fire lookout.

USFS pack team water supply.

Sunset and Hudson.

Goat Peak stars at night.

Sunrise wakeup.

Sunrise at Goat.

Lazy morning.

Pink sunset over the Pasayten.

Fiery sunrise over North Twentymile fire lookouts.

Amazing morning cloud show.

Rainbow over Highway 20 and Driveway Butte.

Enjoying a fire on a chilly morning.

Storms over the western Pasayten.

Stormy weather over Highway 20 and the North Cascades.

Sunset after the storms.

Post storm sunset over Slate Peak fire lookout.

Jump9 flying recon over Silver Star.

Sunrise over North Twentymile fire lookouts.

Stunning morning sunrise.

Goat Peak at first light.

The outhouse at sunrise.

Sunset over Jack Mountain.

Thunderhead over the western Pasayten and Ross Lake.

Stormy weather near Jack Mountain.

Sunset and thunderheads over the western Pasayten.

Storms over Ross Lake and the western Pasayten.

Overnight storm cells over the Methow Valley.

Morning disturbance clouds.

Massive morning thunder cell moving north over the Chewuch.

Evening sunset after the storms.

The beginning of a storm cell.

Storm cell dynamics.

A fully developed thunderhead over the Chewuch.

Evening thunderstorm over the Chewuch.

Large thunderhead with lightning activity in the Northeast Pasayten.

Morning marine clouds over Silver Star.

Sustainability Pathways interns completing a work day at Goat Peak.

Sunset from Goat Peak.

Morning sunrise over North Twentymile fire lookouts.

Stunning sunset!

Sunset over the North Cascades.

Sunset over Jack Mountain.

Stormy weather and heavy rain up the West Fork Methow.

Sunset after weather.

Fiery sunset over Jack Mountain.

Heavy rains from thunderstorms.

Post-storm rainbows.

Beautiful full rainbow after storms.

Another stormy sunset.

More stormy sunsets.

Storm cell over Robinson Mountain.

Thunderstorm over the mountains.

Sunset after a cold front passage.

Dramatic cold front clouds over Silver Star.

Beautiful sunrise.

Sunrise over Silver Star.

Sunrise cloud formations over the Methow Valley.

A wonderful visitor surprise!

Smoky morning sunrise over Tower and the Needles.

Meeting Mount Baker Engine 11.

Beautiful crescent moon over the North Cascades at sunset.

Parks Fire in the Northwest Pasayten.


Smoky sunset over Azurite.

Moody sunrise at Goat.

Smoke plume from the Parks fire near the US/Canada border.

Stunning sunset.

Northern Lights from Goat Peak.

Amazing cloud show.

Blanket of clouds.

Rain and smoke over Highway 20.

Close up of a pyrocumulus cloud.

The Parks fire putting up a huge plume.

The Parks fire from Goat Peak.

Plume from the Parks fire.

Beautiful sunrise over Tiffany Mountain.

Stunning sunrise colors.

Morning light on Silver Star.

Unbelievable smoky sunrise.

Morning sunrise with heavy smoke in the Valley.

AQI of 500+ at Goat Peak.

Smoke clearing overnight from the Methow Valley.

Smoky morning moonset over Tower Mountain.

Bolt Creek Fire on US 2, 70 miles away from Goat Peak.

Fire activity from the Pasayten Complex.

Another smoky sunset.

Smoky sunset behind Azurite Peak.

Smoky sunset from Goat.

Lightning hitting Delancy Ridge.

Lightning on Highway 20 corridor.

Lightning over Delancy Ridge.

Waterdogs at sunset.

Beautiful sunrise.

Sunrise over Goode and Black Peaks.

Morning alpenglow on Silver Star Mountain.

Sunrise over Mazama.

Fiery red sunset from Goat.

Crimson sunset over Azurite Peak.

Larches turning gold at Goat Peak.

Last night at Goat Peak for the season.

Moody sunset over Silver Star.

Sunrise, golden larches, and the Pasayten. Last morning at Goat for the season.

Last morning at Goat Peak.